Casa Bertini

Since 1951

Calabrian Fig’s Drop stuffed with almond

Our Local Specialties

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Figs Specialties

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Mini Fruit Specialties

Pellentesque diam volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla phasellus. Nunc eget lorem dolor sed viverra ipsum. Quis vel eros donec.

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Cremotti Collection

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Delights Collection

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Since 1951 Casa Bertini bring the quality of Calabrian food on Italian

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Our factory is in the heart of Cosenza

Cosenza is one of the oldest city of Italy, founded even before Rome, has a long history linked with the roman empire, and deep cultural roots. In the centuries has developed a strong food tradition. It’s ours job to keep it alive

The story of our Ingredients

The Caedar River

On the West Coast of Cosenza’s Province, The caedar river overlooks on the Tyrrhenian Sea. It’ s a long coast that quickly became a tourist destination due to it’s wonderful nature and beautiful beaches. It is also the natural habit of one of ours main Ingredients, as the name suggest: The Caedar. This river it’s one of the few places in the world where the caedar fruit grows without human intervention, and it’s from here that we from Casa Bertini get this ancient fruit to make our exquisite “Fruttini” and “Cremotti” di Cedro.

The Calabrian Fig


On the West Coast of Cosenza’s Province, The caedar river overlooks on the Tyrrhenian Sea. It’ s a long coast that quickly became a tourist destination due to it’s wonderful nature and beautiful beaches. It is also the natural habit of one of ours main Ingredients, as the name suggest: The Caedar. This river it’s one of the few places in the world where the caedar fruit grows without human intervention, and it’s from here that we from Casa Bertini get this ancient fruit to make our exquisite “Fruttini” and “Cremotti” di Cedro.

Sibari Clementines

On the West Coast of Cosenza’s Province, The caedar river overlooks on the Tyrrhenian Sea. It’ s a long coast that quickly became a tourist destination due to it’s wonderful nature and beautiful beaches. It is also the natural habit of one of ours main Ingredients, as the name suggest: The Caedar. This river it’s one of the few places in the world where the caedar fruit grows without human intervention, and it’s from here that we from Casa Bertini get this ancient fruit to make our exquisite “Fruttini” and “Cremotti” di Cedro.

About Calabria

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